Documentation Writing

In order to change the documentation, you just simply follow the common development process. The changes are deployed as soon as they are merged into the master branch.


We prefer a small documentation that contains only important information which are related to Saros. In order to achieve this please follow these guidelines:

  • Remove obsoleted documentation
  • Rather reference information than copy them
  • Keep the documentation short and clear (e.g. by using lists)
  • Avoid new nested link structures and link lists

Hosting and CI

We use GitHub Pages for hosting our documentation. The static content is automatically published to the gh-pages branch. It is not intended to change the content manually (you have to change the content in the docs directory on the master branch).

Create and Change Diagrams

In order to create diagrams, we use mermaid. There currently is no jekyll integration for this, meaning you have to add html tags into your markdown file:

<div class="mermaid" markdown="0">
mermaid content...

Write Alerts

In order to write an (Bootstrap) alert box like:

you have to use our custom alert Jekyll Tag Block.

{% alert danger %}
### Danger warning
{% endalert %}

Possible alerts are: primary, secondary, success, danger, warning, info, light, dark

If you want to inspect or change the corresponding code see docs/_plugins/alert.rb.

Write Accordions

In order to write an (Bootstrap) accordion like:



you have to use our custom accordion and collapsible Jekyll Tag Block.

{% accordion example-accordion-id %}
{% collapsible Entry h5%}
{% endcollapsible %}
{% collapsible ### Entry h3%}
{% endcollapsible %}
{% endaccordion %}

The collapsible entry uses a default heading of h5. If you need another heading, define it in markdown (as in ### Entry h3). If you want to inspect or change the corresponding code see docs/_plugins/accordion.rb and docs/_plugins/collapsible.rb.

Write IDE Specific Documentation

Use the following tags if you want to embed an IDE specific part into a documentation or want to provide IDE specific versions of a page.


{% capture eclipse %}
## Eclipse content here
Eclipse content here
{% endcapture %}
{% capture intellij %}
## Intellij content here
Intellij content here
{% endcapture %}
{% include ide-tabs.html eclipse=eclipse intellij=intellij %}

Rendered Markdown:

Eclipse Content Here

Eclipse content here

This is an alpha. See here for restrictions.

IntelliJ Content Here

Intellij content here

Reference IDE Specific Documentation

You can reference the IDE specific version of a page via a URL parameter tab=<ide> (e.g. <url>?tab=intellij or <url>?tab=eclipse). Example:

Compile GitHub Pages

Compile Locally

Install Required Tools and Dependencies

  • Install ruby 2.x or higher
  • Install bundler:
    • Execute:gem install bundler
  • Install npm.
  • Change dir to the documentation directory (<repository_dir>/docs)
  • Install jekyll and its dependencies
    • Execute npm install
    • Execute bundle install

Compile and Show Documentation

  • Execute bundle exec jekyll serve
    • This command spawns a web server on port 4000
  • Open you browser and open localhost:4000
  • Use bundle exec jekyll serve -i for the interactive mode that reloads the page after content changes.
  • If bundle exec jekyll serve fails with bundler: command not found: jekyll try jekyll serve

You can use html-proofer to verify your build results (produced by bundle exec jekyll serve or bundle exec jekyll build) in the directory docs/_site.

htmlproofer \
  ./_site \
  --assume-extension \ # Allows urls without a file extension
  --allow-hash-href \ # Allow hash refs (e.g. '#test')
  --alt-ignore '/.*/'\ # Ignore missing "alt" warning
  --file-ignore "/node_modules\/.*/" # Ignore html files in the 'node_modules' dir

If you want to exclude external links add the option --disable-external.