Release Process

When do we release?

We publish releases when a relevant set of changes is integrated in the master branch and the team wants to release.

How do I create the release artifacts?

In the following the task which are required to build all release artifacts are described.

Please make sure before creating the artifacts that all unit and stf tests are successful.



  • Update Site
  • Drop-in


If there were any changes to the Saros core since the last release, make sure to also increase the version number of the saros.core osgi bundle. If only the saros.eclipse version is increased, a Saros update (via the update-site) would lead to a corrupted Saros installation that consists of the new saros.eclipse bundle and the saros.core version of the previous release.

Update Site

  • Open an eclipse instance which contains a working Saros development setup
  • Open the project Saros Update Site
  • Open the file site.xml
  • Make sure that the category DPP contains the current feature saros.feature*
  • Click on Build All
  • The Update Site is created in the Saros Update Site project directory


  • Open an eclipse instance which contains a working Saros development setup
  • Open File > Export… > Plug-in Development > Deployable features
  • Choose feature
  • Destination: Directory
  • Choose target directory name: saros-dropin-<version>
  • Click Finish
  • In the dropin folder, delete the files artifacts.jar and content.jar
  • Add the readme: This is the Saros Eclipse plugin dropin archive. You can install it by unzipping it to eclipse/dropins and restarting Eclipse.
  • Create a zip file from the folder

IntelliJ IDEA


  • Plug-in zip

Plug-In zip

  • Open bash
  • Navigate to the Saros repository dir
  • Execute the command ./gradlew sarosIntellij
  • You find the zip here: ./build/distribution/intellij/

How do I test the artifacts?

As mentioned before you should already executed all unit and STF tests (which has to be successful).

The release artifacts are manually tested with at least one other person:

  • You have to install the artifact and start a session.
  • During this session you should check (at least) that the basic features are working.

Eclipse Update-site

The following instructions use port 9090 and 8080 and a python development webserver (Use python -m SimpleHTTPServer <port> if you use python2 instead of python3). However, you can use other HTTP-servers (e.g. the php development server) and ports.

In order to test the update-site you created (in this excample in the directory <update-site-dir>), you have to:

  1. Host the update-site
    • Open a terminal
    • Change the directory to <update-site-dir>
    • Spawn a local HTTP-server that hosts the update-site content:
      python -m http.server 9090
  2. Host the composite update-site
    • In the directory <saros-repo>/docs/update-site/eclipse change the location reference in the files compositeArtifacts.xml and compositeContent.xml to reference the locally hosted artifacts:
      Change <child location='' /> to <child location='http://localhost:9090' />.
    • Open a second terminal
    • Change the directory to <saros-repo>/docs/update-site/eclipse
    • Spawn a local HTTP-server that hosts the composite update-site:
      python -m http.server 8080
  3. Install Saros via the composite update-site http://localhost:8080

How do I release the artifacts?

In the following the technical steps which are required for releasing artifacts are described.



  • Update Site
  • Eclipse Marketplace
  • GitHub Releases (See below)

Attention: The Eclipse Marketplace uses the Update Site in order to provide the plug-in. Therefore it is not possible to release via the update site without updating the marketplace.

Update Site

The update site is hosted via GitHub Pages. Therefore you just have to change the content of the repository update-site-artifacts in order to change the update site.

What is released via this channel? We release the update site (which consists of: the directories plugins and features, and the Jars artifacts.jar and content.jar) via this channel.

Login process

  • Login with the saros-infrastructure user

Release process

  • Create a pull request that contains the new update site
  • Merge the pull request
  • Check that the update site is deployed successfully

Eclipse Marketplace

What is released via this channel? The Saros for Eclipse plug-in is released via this channel, but you don’t have to release the artifact explicit via this channel, because the Marketplace uses the Update Site. As long as the infrastructure does not change (like the update site location) just update Version number information in the marketplace.

Login process

  • Login with the saros-outreach user

Release/Metadata change process

  • Search for the plug-in “Saros”
  • Click on Saros
  • Click on the Edit tab
  • Change corresponding metadata (as Version number)
  • Submit form with Save

IntelliJ IDEA


  • JetBrains Plugin Repository
  • GitHub Releases (See below)

Attention: We are currently releasing the Saros for IntelliJ plug-in via the alpha channel of the JetBrains Plugin Repository instead of the stable channel (which is the default channel).

JetBrains Plugin Repository

What is released via this channel? We release the IntelliJ IDEA plug-in zip via this repository.

Login process

  • Login as user saros-infrastructure in GitHub
  • Open the JetBrains Plugin Repository
  • Click on Sign In
  • Instead of entering user credentials, choose the login via GitHub (click on the GitHub icon)

Release process

  • Open the drop-down menu which appears if you hover over the username
  • Click on Upload plugin
  • Fill the form:
  • Submit form

GitHub Releases (IntelliJ and Eclipse)

What is released via this channel? We release the Saros for Eclipse drop-in and the Saros for IntelliJ zip via this channel.

Login process

  • Login as a user with write access in GitHub (e.g. saros-infrastructure)

Release process

  • Navigate to the GitHub Saros page
  • Click on the releases tab
  • Click on draft a new release
  • Fill the form:
    • Tag: saros-<ide>-<version> (e.g. saros-intellij-0.1.1)
    • Tag target: a commit id
    • Release title: Short title as Saros for <ide> <version>
    • Description: Short description of artifacts and link the release notes
    • Upload binaries as artifacts (e.g. drop-in, plug-in zip)
  • Submit form with Publish release (or Save draft if you don’t want to publish the release)